Sunday, January 4, 2015

Late afternoon along the Eastern Sierras.

Late afternoon along the Eastern Sierras. After sunset behind the Sierras, the moon rose behind the White Mountains to the East.

Visited Mono Lake at Lee Vining CA and walked the Lee Vining Creek Trail.

Visited Mono Lake at Lee Vining CA and walked the Lee Vining Creek Trail. The Visitor Center was closed for the Winter.

Walked around the Nevada State Capital Carson City today.

Walked around the Nevada State Capital Carson City today. Preparing for the Gubernatorial Inauguration at the capitol building on Monday.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Spent more time than planned at Donner Memorial State Park.

Spent more time than planned at Donner Memorial State Park. Grim history, but interesting museum and nice trails. Lost a glove somehow when I got back to the car and retraced my steps without success. Still frustrated about it.

Lake Tahoe.

Lake Tahoe. Too commercial for me. Everything tried to look like a Swiss Chalet. Only a few undeveloped places to stop and see the lake itself.