From: Limestone Spring shelter
To: The Hemlocks shelter
Mileage: 19
Weather: Sunny, cool
Roundabout Wraith was breaking camp when I got up, but I was up and out before the family in the shelter. There was a steep climb along a small waterfall and 0.5 mile hike back to the AT.
My primary objective was to go to Salisbury CT for a late breakfast and resupply at LaBonne's Market, which Tenacious recommended.
I found a sign as I entered town that recommended hikers use the "Beautiful Ramble" to get into town, but no directions. I saw a bike route sign nearby and found another hiker sign, and a description of the rail-trail history, so I followed the old railway path straight into town and found the market across the green.
From the deli, I ordered an egg, cheese and sausage breakfast sandwich on a croissant, then added a foot long turkey grinder with bacon to have for dinner (Roundabout Wraith had one at Limestone shelter the night before). I also picked up some candy, tortillas and tuna packets. I ate the breakfast sandwich on the bench outside and packed the rest.
As I hiked back out on the Ramble, I heard gunfire and realized I was missing the Memorial Day parade in town, but decided to move on.
The trail followed the road past the town cemetery, and I walked in to pay my respects at the marked veterans' graves. A woman biking past told me that the Memorial Day ceremony was about to begin, so I followed and watched the parade enter the cemetery and the entire observance, including roll call, 21 gun salute, and reading of the Gettysburg Address. I felt as if I was representing hikers. Two locals came over to talk with me about the ceremony and my hike. I refilled water from a tap on my way out.
I ran into Pootz slackpacking south as the trail left town and chatted briefly.
I stopped by the Riga shelter, which had a magnificent view over the valley then went on a brief distance to the Brassie Brook shelter where I originally planned to stop for the day. A South African hiker Jurgens (sp?) who I had passed earlier stopped at the shelter and seemed surprised that I was stopping at 2 pm, so I began to debate pushing another 8.5 miles across three significant ridge crossings to the next shelter. I found a register entry from Penguin who was there the night before that she felt out of sync with other hikers she had met. Jurgens moved on, and I ate half of my turkey grinder while I debated, but it was almost 3pm when I decided to try. I felt that I had the energy and barely enough time, and I really wanted to catch up with Penguin again.
I summited Bear Mountain, which had a view from a large rockpile and monument as highest point in Connecticut.
I dropped down into Sages Ravine and camping area, probably the most beautiful spots yet on the AT, with mountain streams and cascades through hemlock forest. I crossed the stream and was greeted by a sign for Massachusetts, leaving Connecticut behind.
I passed Jurgens on the trail, and he followed me until we reached the Laurel Ridge campsite that he was headed for.
I quickly passed three backpackers headed uphill and summited Mt Race, which had a spectacular trail section along a rocky escarpment with great views.
I then faced Mt Everett, and was annoyed by the steep rocky climb, but at least some rocky slabs had wood steps bolted into the rock, a rare instance of making the trail easier.
The summit of Mt Everett was beautiful in the late afternoon sun, and I enjoyed the cool breeze after the tough climb.
I checked my Hikerbot AT app on my phone to see how much further to the Hemlocks shelter, and found another stone shelter close by, not mentioned in AWOL's guide. I followed the side trail and debated staying at the simple shelter, which only had a concrete floor, but also an amazing view of the valley with a bench seat. I decided to press on the remaining 0.9 miles.
I reached the Hemlocks shelter, but was the only one there. It was getting dark, so I washed up, ate about a quarter of my turkey grinder for dinner and used my headlamp to get set for bed in the shelter's loft.
I felt that I accomplished a lot today, but still wondered if I would catch up with Penguin.