Rockdawg left Cove Mountain shelter before I did to meet a shuttle driver in Duncannon PA to take him back to his truck and supplies. I left before Terp and Loco.
The trail was rather rocky and steep dropping into Duncannon and the day was grey, but the clouds rising from the valley were pretty (pictured).
The (in)famous Doyle (pictured) is known as a hiker spot and a few hikers were hanging out when I arrived at 10am. Known for its bar, good food, and skid row quality rooms. Rockdawg called me over from the bench in front of Goodies Diner across the street, so I joined him while he waited for his shuttle pickup. He recommended breakfast at Goodies, which also sells hiker necessities. I had a two huge blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, sausage patty and orange juice. By the time I finished, Rockdawg was gone.
It was a nice street walk through town, with white blazes on telephone poles marking the way (pictures). Then bridges across the Juniata and Susquehanna rivers before a steep, difficult climb to Clark's Ferry shelter (pictured), where I stopped for water at the piped spring.
I was able to hike another 8 miles (15 total) to Peters Mountain shelter, a long day, but it put me in a better spot for the next day.

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