From: Guyot shelter
To: Ethan Pond shelter
Mileage: 9.0
Weather: Rainy, chilly, windy to sunny, warm, humid
It was an interesting night at the shelter. Besides being stuffed full of hikers, there was a beautiful orange moon with flashes of heat lightning, which presaged a heavy rain and thunderstorm late that night and again after sunrise with more rain.
The rain let up as we hiked back to the AT and over the ridge, leading to a nice descent.
We stopped at Zealand Falls hut, where I cashed in one of my thruhiker baked goods for some moist and rich chocolate cake, as well as feeding on free leftover pancakes from the hut's breakfast. I also used the opportunity of the hut's restroom to brush my teeth.
Below the Zealand Falls hut the trail was level and mostly smooth, apparently following an old railway bed. It was wonderful after so many rocky trails!
The day became sunny, warmer and more humid, which began to sap my energy. I was following Penguin onto a footbridge across a wide stream when I tripped at the threshold. My water bottle (with lemonade mix!) fell out of my pack and nearly rolled into the river before I grabbed it. We later heard from others that we missed a sign for trail magic at a cabin nearby.
The trail crossed a lot of swampy areas and bog boards after the bridge, and I was getting very tired. Penguin, on the other hand, said she enjoys this weather.
One bright spot for me is I found groups of the roundleafed sundew, Drosera rotundifolia, a carnivorous plant. I grew a variety of carnivorous plants while I was in high school and college, so I was looking for this.
By the time we reached Ethan Pond shelter, I was exhausted. The water in the pond and the stream feeding the pond was orange with tannic acid. We met Irene, the site's caretaker, and paid our fee.
I collapsed on the shelter platform, but later found the energy to collect some water and wash off.
Penguin made a decision to leave the trail tomorrow at Crawford Notch because she was not enjoying the rocks in the White Mountains, and her chronic health issue. I think we were both depressed about that, but I wanted her to look after herself first.
Other hikers arrived, southbounders Rebound and Scout, as well as Gandalf last seen at Hikers Welcome hostel. Vinegar was tenting. We had a full shelter, including a resident mouse, which seemed to be an issue of concern for a section hiker, but I figured we are guests in his home.
It was a warm, humid evening, and Penguin turned her bag around (head toward the opening), and everyone else but me did the same. I was already in my bivy and didn't see much point in bothering. Penguin was concerned about me smelling her feet, but I have a poor sense of smell, an advantage for a hiker!
There was no rain, and it was difficult to sleep. And, yes, the mouse scurried around, but it didn't bother me or my pack.

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