From: Ethan Pond shelter
To: Mizpah Spring hut
Mileage: 9.3
Weather: cloudy, warm, humid
I got up early.
It was a quiet, easy hike down to Crawford Notch with Penguin. I believe neither one of us was looking forward to going our separate ways there. I decided to hike to AMC's Mizpah Spring hut and ask about bunk space without a reservation.
We crossed railroad tracks and walked down to the road from the Crawford Notch trailhead parking lot. We said our goodbyes and agreed to keep in touch. It wasn't clear how Penguin was going to get home, but when I crossed the road I found an AMC shuttle stop sign and schedule, so I called Penguin's attention to it, then waved goodbye as I began the climb of Mount Webster and to Webster Cliffs. I was feeling a bit lonely without her company.
It was a long steep climb up Mt Webster. It was rocks and dirt and roots, nothing too difficult. I banged my shin on a rock once and opened an existing wound, but stopped the bleeding quickly.
When I came over the ridgeline rocks, I startled another hiker who thought I was a bear. Apparently he didn't hear the clattering of my trekking poles as I came up.
I met Donna and Gene at Webster Cliffs. I thought the tough part of the climb was over, but there were several difficult rock climbs to tackle including the largest rock slab yet, and Gene led the way.
Gandalf passed us along the way, but paused to chat a bit.
We crossed Mount Jackson peak and crossed several bogs on bog boards.
Donna, Gene and I reached Mizpah Spring hut, and I was able to get a bunk at the AMC member rate (~$122) in a room with a family group (the huts contain many small shared bunk rooms, this one had eight bunks in a room). Donna and Gene got work for stay slots; they were allowed to sleep in the common dining area and eat leftovers in exchange for washing the dinner dishes.
Vinegar showed up and was assigned the same bunk room as I. Vinegar told me he shared the AMC shuttle with Penguin, which was reassuring news that she was on her way home.
Caterpillar and Old Soul arrived and decided to tent at the nearby Nauman campsite.
Vinegar and I sat together for dinner. The AMC "croo" (mostly college age students on summer break) provides all of the guest services. The meal included black bean soup, braised beef, mixed vegetables and dessert. Although all you can eat in theory, it is served family style in courses so we were reluctant to hold up the service for others at the table. However, we finished up everything put on the table.

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