From: Gooch Mountain shelter
To: Woods Hole shelter
Mileage: 11.9
Weather: Cool to warm, sunny and humid
I left while the others were having breakfast so I could take advantage of the morning cool.
Lots of small climbs and descents. I stopped at Woody Gap to eat some snacks for lunch. The area had a large parking area, but even so was overflowing with people circling for parking, given it was a pleasant Saturday. I disposed of my trash in the bins provided, always a welcome amenity. There were lots of full water cooler bottles in the parking area, but no dispenser. I didn't want to carry extra water up Big Cedar Mountain anyway, since there were springs further ahead.
More ups and downs, and I was tired and ready to stop when I reached the sign for Woods Hole shelter. It was a relatively flat 0.4 mile walk to the shelter. I heard someone playing spoons to music as I approached the shelter, and it turned out to be Beat Rap, a hiker from Atlanta who frequently hikes this section of the AT.
Barry and Scott arrived a short time later. Beat Rap had mice attack his bear bag stored in a seemingly well-sealed bear box, which gave me a dilemma. All of us ended using the bear bag cables that night instead of the box. Barry uses a Kevlar Ursack, better protection than a bear bag, and lighter but not as secure as a bear canister. I will investigate the options when I get to the Mountain Crossings outfitter at Neel Gap tomorrow.
I'm also lower than I'd like on water. The springs here are only trickles if that. I have about a liter, which should be enough to reach Neel Gap.
Beat Rap also noted that the Whitley Gap shelter that I wanted to reach tomorrow was a long way off trail (1.2 miles) and down a steep slope. The next shelter, Low Gap, is 15 miles and a few significant climbs away. He did tell me about some good campsites along the way, not in the guide.
It was just the four of us at the shelter. Beat Rap slept on the picnic table under the roof as he planned to leave early.

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