From: Upper Goose Pond Cabin
To: Kay Wood shelter
Mileage: 17
Weather: Cloudy to cool rain then sunny and humid
I awoke to hear caretaker Pete and a volunteer going down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When I got downstairs, Pete was serving up piles of blueberry pancakes (he told me Krusteaz mix) and I grabbed a plate and silverware, pancakes, butter and syrup as I thanked Pete. I believe I went back twice for more, but who's counting?
Others enjoying the breakfast included Grits, his daughter Treeline, Production, and Lifesaver.
Before leaving, I walked down to the dock/beach at the pond and regretted not taking a swim. It was a beautiful spot with a platform, clear water and a sandy bottom. There was morning mist across the surface of the pond.
The trail passed over MA Interstate 90 on a pedestrian bridge, and I noticed an automatic wildlife camera at one end. Presumably, animals use the bridge too, but hikers may also qualify as wildlife. I regretted not posing for the camera.
Approaching the US 20 road crossing, I noticed a bag alongside the trail. Could it be ... YES! Trail Magic! A previous thruhiker's mom left a note with several bags of different apple varieties. I happily took two Granny Smiths.
There was one big climb during which I ate my first apple, then Lifesaver and another hiker passed me. At the summit I found a trail register and added a note.
The light rain of the morning became heavier so I put on my orange ponch/tarp on the ridge of Beckett and Walling Mountains. Production passed me on the ridge.
I almost missed the side trail to October Mountain shelter, where I stopped for a break and to check the register.
Production was already there having a snack. Biscotti joined us (he said he got the name from being half-baked on pot most of the time), then Grits and Treeline dropped in, as well.
After I left the shelter, I remembered that I wanted to visit the Cookie Lady, a Trail Angel who serves homemade cookies and sells snacks and supplies to hikers. According to AWOL's guide, she lives 0.1 miles down a road from the AT crossing, but I walked a half mile before I realized her property lies behind what appears to be an abandoned house. She gave me a couple of chocolate chip cookies and we chatted. I got some water from her spigot, but kicked myself because I forgot to ask about buying hardboiled eggs and a soda before I left.
When I reached the summit of Warner Hill, I found Production relaxing on the rocks, and he identified Mt Greylock, the highest peak in Massachusetts, which we would have to climb in a few days.
I was happy to reach Kay Wood shelter and clean up, then grabbed a space in the shelter's loft and ate dinner, including my second apple. Also at the shelter that evening were Zeke, Biscotti, Utah and Production, as well as others I saw at Upper Goose Pond.

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