From: Mark Noepel shelter
To: Williamstown, MA
Mileage: 10
Weather: Chilly rain
Cobweb was first out of the shelter, but both of us were intent on breakfast at the Bascom Lodge on the summit. It still took some trail climb to get there, but the war memorial tower on the summit was an impressive first sight as the trail opened up.
I was initially dismayed that the lodge doors were locked, but I found one open and entered, signing in on the hiker log. I found Cobweb answering questions about hiking from a couple over breakfast in the dining room, but the lodge seemed empty until an employee appeared and asked if I wanted breakfast. Silly question! I ordered and ate scrambled eggs, wheat toast, bacon, home fries, a blueberry muffin and orange juice then went outside again to the scenic view, and, finding cell service, exchanged texts with Penguin and Cinnamon Girl. Cinnamon Girl and Wilderness Hawk completed their section hike in North Adams MA.
I expected to stay at the lodge through lunch, charge my phone, update my trail journal, then hike three miles to Wilbur Clearing shelter but the staff informed me that the lodge was now closed and I had to leave.
Given how early it was, I decided to hike six miles to MA route 2 and get a hotel room for the night and food in Williamstown MA.
I met Cobweb on the trail down and hiked on and off with him to Wilbur Clearing shelter, then he continued on while I visited the shelter to read the register and put on my poncho as the rain picked up.
I continued downhill over some slippery rocks before reaching North Adams MA.
I called the Williamstown Motel (recalling their flyer on the AT bulletin board in Dalton), and the manager picked me up in front of Greylock Elementary School. The manager was very nice, and gave me a small but very neat and comfortable room.
I called mom, then texted Penguin to confirm our sync up at Seth Warner shelter across the Vermont border on Wednesday.
I walked down the street to Subway for a late lunch of foot long sub, then to Desperadoes for a takeout Chicken Fajita wrap with rice, beans, and chips with salsa. I am finally feeling full!

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