From: Spruce Peak shelter
To: Green Mountain House hostel
Mileage: 3
Weather: Sunny, cool
We packed up early to be ready for our Trail Angel to give us a ride into Manchester Center. When she arrived after packing up her tent, she joined Penguin, Rivers and me on the trail out.
It was less than two mile hike to the road, but a very pretty section. The road was four lanes wide with fast traffic - Penguin pointed out the trail sign that warned hikers not to become roadkill! All of us scampered across successfully.
Our angel dropped us off at the Price Chopper grocery store, but Rivers, Penguin and I walked to the subtlely signed McDonald's up the road for a 10am breakfast - the town is rather upscale and is careful about maintaining its New England charm. Penguin ordered two strawberry milkshakes with her pancake breakfast, which both Rivers and I complimented her for. While eating, I thought I saw Grits and Treeline walking past, but did not have the opportunity to flag them down.
Penguin and I left Rivers at McDonald's while he made a phone call and we walked around town. LightenedUp called to us from a nearby café and we stopped to chat with him for a few minutes.
Across the street we stopped in at the excellent Northshire bookstore ( and spent a long time browsing books and gift items. Penguin was conflicted over buying a Zombie Gnome figurine, but decided not to carry the weight. On the other hand, she bought and packed out a hardcopy book, a rare weight concession for a hiker.
Penguin and I considered lunch options and stopped at Basil Thai for lunch, where I ordered steamed dumplings and ginger shrimp. An excellent meal!
We continued our walk around town, and I stopped by a Subway to pick up a ham and swiss footling sub for dinner, then we went around the corner to resupply at the Price Chopper. I was craving a root beer float, so I bought a carton of vanilla ice cream and store brand root beer, hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt while Penguin called the Green Mountain House hostel ( for pickup at the grocery store.
Jeff, the hostel owner, picked us up promptly and drove us to the hostel, covered the rules, and gave us a tour. I took my shower and did my laundry, wearing loaner clothes so I could wash all of mine.
Other hikers at the hostel included ZoomZoom and Mumbles (British), both thruhikers taking a zero day together.
The hostel featured a full kitchen where hikers can fix their own meals. I enjoyed several root beer floats that evening, and life is good!

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