From: Lost Pond shelter
To: Minerva Hinchey shelter
Mileage: 15.6
Weather: Cloudy, mild, humid
When I woke up our campfire was still smoldering, so I followed Penguin out to the trail after dousing the fire.
We stopped at Little Rock Pond, where I thought about swimming (but didn't) given how nice the spot looked. Clouds were beginning to move in with the possibility of rain.
After leaving the pond area, I sat down to remove the legs from my convertible hiking pants as it was getting warm. I thought I put the pant legs in a pocket, but one of the legs fell at my feet about 200 yards down the trail, and lost about 20 minutes searching up and down the trail before I found the other leg. By this time, Penguin was far ahead.
The trail ran through nice pine forest and some interesting rock arrangements people made near the aptly-named White Rocks Cliff Trail.
As I reached the trail to the Greenwall shelter after another 0.6 mile, I found Trail Magic! A ZipLoc bag full of cookies at the base of a tree. While I ate a few, Penguin came from the direction of the shelter, but she had decided not to walk all the way to the shelter, so I dropped my pack and ran down to check the register, finding that Grits and Treeline were there yesterday.
We dropped down to VT route 140, then climbed 1,100 feet up and over Bear Mountain (yes, there are several Bear Mountains on the trail).
Minerva Hinchley shelter was two miles further, where we met two section hikers from North Adams MA. I got cleaned up, then had pepperoni slices and American cheese on a crumbly stale tortilla for dinner, a poor substitute for a pizza!

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