From: Green Mountain House hostel
To: Lost Pond shelter
Mileage: 15
Weather: Sunny, cool, breezy
I woke up at the Green Mountain House hostel to find that another hiker was making pancakes, and he was kind enough to share with others, so I had a few, then followed up with a couple of bowls of raisan bran cereal and a few English muffins. I thought about having a root beer float, but opted to leave the remaining ice cream and root beer for the next hikers coming in.
Realizing that our 7:30am shuttle departure was getting close, I rushed to strip my bed and pack my resupply food, doing a last minute scramble to meet others at the shuttle. Jeff drove us to the AT trailhead and gave us some tips about what to expect on the trail up Bromley Mountain.
Penguin and I followed the others up the trail, and I recognized Rivers breaking camp along the stream and shouted a greeting as we passed. We stopped to check the Bromley shelter register and visit the "Privy of Illusion." Rivers arrived as we were leaving carrying fire kindling to make morning coffee at the shelter.
As is frequently the case, Penguin was ahead and I lost sight of her during the 1,400 foot climb. As Jeff noted, the trail emerged into the sunlight to run up a ski run for the final stretch to the summit.
The view from Bromley summit was spectacular and the weather was perfect - sunny, cool and breezy. I had the summit to myself, and entered the ski patrol hut that is available as a shelter for hikers, where I found an entry from Production in the register that he spent a night there. I was a bit envious! As I headed back onto the trail, I saw LightenedUp as he made the summit and chatted a bit before I started my descent.
The descent ended after 800 feet at Mad Tom Notch, where the local hiking club's trail angels left bottles of drinking water for hikers, as there are no water sources nearby. Then began another 1,000 foot climb to cross Styles and Peru Peaks.
LightenedUp passed me during my climb to Styles Peak, and Rivers passed me while I was having a snack before descending Peru Peak.
I found Penguin, Rivers, and LightenedUp having lunch at Peru Peak shelter, so I had a snack and checked the register, but the mosquitoes were biting so I was the first to leave, headed for Lost Pond shelter.
Shortly I passed through the Griffith Lake tent site, and was joined by LightenedUp and Penguin. We suddenly encountered a steep, rocky slope, but had a great view.
I trailed behind LightenedUp and Penguin and lost sight of them, but spotted Penguin waiting near the Lost Pond shelter. We decided to stay, despite no cell reception (important to Penguin, who walked up the trail looking for a signal, but something I've long accepted with T-Mobile on the trail). The shelter site was very small and basic, but not too buggy and adjacent a pleasant waterfall/water source. LightenedUp decided to continue hiking.
Penguin and I had the shelter to ourselves for the evening, and enjoyed our dinner with an extended conversation about the characteristics of wilderness gnomes and zombies (don't ask!), sci-fi and Star Trek, horror genres, and H. P. Lovecraft.
There were some flies buzzing around the campsite, so I managed to get a campfire going with a match that Penguin provided, which effectively chased the flies away.
All in all, it was a very nice day.

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